Sexual masochism is a disorder in which individuals use sexual fantasies, urges or behaviors involving the act (real, not simulated) of being humiliated, beaten or otherwise made to suffer in order to achieve sexual excitement and climax. These acts may be limited to verbal humiliation, or may involve being beaten, bound or otherwise abused. Masochists may act out their fantasies on themselves such as cutting or piercing their skin, or burning themselves or may seek out a partner who enjoys inflicting pain or humiliation on others (sadist). Activities with a partner include bondage, spanking, and simulated rape.
Sadomasochistic fantasies and activities are not uncommon among consenting adults. In most of these cases, however, the humiliation and abuse are acted out in fantasy. The participants are aware that the behavior is a "game," and actual pain and injury is avoided.
A potentially dangerous, sometimes fatal, masochistic activity is autoerotic partial asphyxiation, in which a person uses ropes, nooses or plastic bags to induce a state of asphyxia (interruption of breathing) at the point of orgasm. This is done to enhance orgasm, but accidental deaths sometimes occur.
Moral masochism is seeking unpleasure without being aware of the masochistic sexual satisfaction thus obtained because of unconscious feelings of guilt.
In "The Economic Problem of Masochism" (1924c), Freud described moral masochism as the third form of masochism, alongside feminine masochism and erotogenic masochism. In moral masochism the connection to an external object comes undone: "The suffering itself is what matters; whether it is decreed by someone who is loved or by someone who is indifferent is of no importance. It may even be caused by impersonal powers or circumstances; the true masochist always turns his cheek whenever he has a chance of receiving a blow"
Unconscious guilt feelings are thus assuaged. This is at once one of the greatest benefits of neurotic suffering and the source of negative reactions to therapy. Freud made the valuable observation that the notion of a need for punishment applies only to patients whose sense of guilt remains unconscious. The ego's masochism in fact stems from the cruel superego, which, at its formation, assumed the mantle of the introjected parents.
This shift from self-punishment by the sadistic superego to masochism of the ego is fraught with destructive consequences. It ruins moral consciousness, which is now used to obtain internal, essentially oedipal satisfaction. Indeed, the subject's relationship to the parents is resexualized by an eroticization of the ego's relationship to the superego. The analysis of moral masochism thus reveals a feminine masochism and, in the final analysis, an erotogenic masochism. The subject must suffer endless self-punishment, because all punishment is subverted to masochistic gratification, moral masochism comes from a death drive that has not been diverted outward, and for this reason is dangerous.
It is worth noting that in its incestuous internal regression, which is all the more effective because any impersonal life circumstance can mask its nature, masochism of the ego in fact denies all authority and subverts the impersonal nature of the superego (which Francis Pasche as a prerequisite of its effective functioning). This circumstance makes ego masochism into an instrument of transgression even more apt to conceal the incestuous relation to internal objects. The self-destructive aspect of ego masochism also comes from a relative de-objectification of external objects in their otherness. The moral masochist loses the strong sadomasochistic pregenital bond with the object that is found in sexual perversion.
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