Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Nazism is often considered by scholars to be a form of fascism. While it incorporated elements from both left and right-wing politics, the Nazis formed most of their alliances on the right. The Nazis were one of several historical groups that used the term National Socialism to describe themselves, and in the 1920s they became the largest such group. The Nazi Party presented its program in the 25 point National Socialist Program in 1920. Among the key elements of Nazism were anti-parliamentarism, Pan-Germanism, racism, collectivism, eugenics, antisemitism, anti-communism, totalitarianism and opposition to economic liberalism and political liberalism.
In the 1930s, Nazism was not a monolithic movement, but rather a (mainly German) combination of various ideologies and philosophies which centered around nationalism, anti-communism, traditionalism and the importance of the ethnostate. Groups such as Strasserism and Black Front were part of the early Nazi movement. Their motivations were triggered over anger about the Treaty of Versailles and what was considered to have been a Jewish/communist conspiracy to humiliate Germany at the end of the World War I. Germany's post-war ills were critical to the formation of the ideology and its criticisms of the post-war Weimar Republic. The Nazi Party came to power in Germany in 1933.
In response to the instability created by the Great Depression, the Nazis sought a Third Way managed economy that was neither capitalism nor communism. Nazi rule effectively ended on May 7, 1945, when the Nazis unconditionally surrendered to the Allied Powers, who took over Germany's administration until Germany could form its own democratic government.
National Socialist philosophy came together during a time of crisis in Germany; the nation had lost World War I in 1918, but had also been forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles, a devastating capitulation, and was in the midst of a period of great economic depression and instability. The Dolchstosslegende (or “stab in the back”),described by the National Socialists, featured a claim that the war effort was sabotaged internally, in large part by Germany’s Jews. The National Socialists suggested that a lack of patriotism had led to Germany’s defeat (for one, the front line was not on German soil at the time of the armistice). In politics, criticism was directed at the Social Democrats and the Weimar government (Deutsches Reich 1919–1933), which the National Socialists accused of selling out the country. The concept of Dolchstosslegende led many to look at Jews and other so-called “non-Germans” living in Germany as having extra-national loyalties, thereby raising antisemitic sentiments and the Judenfrage (German for “Jewish Question”), at a time when the Völkisch movement and a desire to create a Greater Germany were strong.
Nazism has come to stand for a belief in the superiority of an Aryan race, an abstraction of the Germanic peoples. During Hitler’s time, the Nazis advocated a strong, centralized government under the Führer and claimed to defend Germany and the German people (including those of German ethnicity abroad) against Communism and so-called Jewish subversion. Ultimately, the Nazis sought to create a largely homogeneous and autarkic ethnic state, absorbing the ideas of Pan-Germanism.
Historians often disagree on the principal interests of the Nazi Party and whether Nazism can be considered a coherent ideology. The original National Socialists claimed that there would be no program that would bind them, and that they wanted to reject any established world view. Still, as Hitler played a major role in the development of the Nazi Party from its early stages and rose to become the movement’s indisputable iconographic figurehead, much of what is thought to be “Nazism” is in line with Hitler’s own political beliefs – the ideology and the man remain largely interchangeable in the public eye.
Hitler's ideology had three main thoughts: a conception of history as a race struggle influenced by Social Darwinism; antisemitism; and the idea that Germany needed to acquire land from Russia. His antisemitism, coupled with his anti-Communism, gave the grounds of his conspiracy theory of “judeo-bolshevism”. Hitler first began to develop his views through observations he made while living in Vienna from 1907 to 1913. He concluded that a racial, religious, and cultural hierarchy existed, and he placed “Aryans” at the top as the ultimate superior race, while Jews and “Gypsies” were people at the bottom. He vaguely examined and questioned the policies of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, where, as a citizen by birth, he had lived during the Empire’s last throes. He believed that its ethnic and linguistic diversity had weakened the Empire and helped to create dissent. Furthermore, he saw democracy as a destabilizing force because it placed power in the hands of, amongst others, ethnic minorities who he claimed, “weakened and destabilized” the Empire by dividing it against itself. Hitler’s political beliefs were affected by World War I and the 1917 October Revolution, and were further modified between 1920 and 1923.
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sexual masochism is a disorder in which individuals use sexual fantasies, urges or behaviors involving the act (real, not simulated) of being humiliated, beaten or otherwise made to suffer in order to achieve sexual excitement and climax. These acts may be limited to verbal humiliation, or may involve being beaten, bound or otherwise abused. Masochists may act out their fantasies on themselves such as cutting or piercing their skin, or burning themselves or may seek out a partner who enjoys inflicting pain or humiliation on others (sadist). Activities with a partner include bondage, spanking, and simulated rape.
Sadomasochistic fantasies and activities are not uncommon among consenting adults. In most of these cases, however, the humiliation and abuse are acted out in fantasy. The participants are aware that the behavior is a "game," and actual pain and injury is avoided.
A potentially dangerous, sometimes fatal, masochistic activity is autoerotic partial asphyxiation, in which a person uses ropes, nooses or plastic bags to induce a state of asphyxia (interruption of breathing) at the point of orgasm. This is done to enhance orgasm, but accidental deaths sometimes occur.
Moral masochism is seeking unpleasure without being aware of the masochistic sexual satisfaction thus obtained because of unconscious feelings of guilt.
In "The Economic Problem of Masochism" (1924c), Freud described moral masochism as the third form of masochism, alongside feminine masochism and erotogenic masochism. In moral masochism the connection to an external object comes undone: "The suffering itself is what matters; whether it is decreed by someone who is loved or by someone who is indifferent is of no importance. It may even be caused by impersonal powers or circumstances; the true masochist always turns his cheek whenever he has a chance of receiving a blow"
Unconscious guilt feelings are thus assuaged. This is at once one of the greatest benefits of neurotic suffering and the source of negative reactions to therapy. Freud made the valuable observation that the notion of a need for punishment applies only to patients whose sense of guilt remains unconscious. The ego's masochism in fact stems from the cruel superego, which, at its formation, assumed the mantle of the introjected parents.
This shift from self-punishment by the sadistic superego to masochism of the ego is fraught with destructive consequences. It ruins moral consciousness, which is now used to obtain internal, essentially oedipal satisfaction. Indeed, the subject's relationship to the parents is resexualized by an eroticization of the ego's relationship to the superego. The analysis of moral masochism thus reveals a feminine masochism and, in the final analysis, an erotogenic masochism. The subject must suffer endless self-punishment, because all punishment is subverted to masochistic gratification, moral masochism comes from a death drive that has not been diverted outward, and for this reason is dangerous.
It is worth noting that in its incestuous internal regression, which is all the more effective because any impersonal life circumstance can mask its nature, masochism of the ego in fact denies all authority and subverts the impersonal nature of the superego (which Francis Pasche as a prerequisite of its effective functioning). This circumstance makes ego masochism into an instrument of transgression even more apt to conceal the incestuous relation to internal objects. The self-destructive aspect of ego masochism also comes from a relative de-objectification of external objects in their otherness. The moral masochist loses the strong sadomasochistic pregenital bond with the object that is found in sexual perversion.
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sildenafil was synthesized by a group of pharmaceutical chemists working at Pfizer's Sandwich, Kent, research facility in England. It was initially studied for use in hypertension (high blood pressure) and angina pectoris (a symptom of ischaemic heart disease). The first clinical trials were conducted in Morriston Hospital in Swansea under the direction of Ian Osterloh who suggested that the drug had little effect on angina, but that it could induce marked penile erections. Pfizer therefore decided to market it for erectile dysfunction, rather than for angina. The drug was patented in 1996, approved for use in erectile dysfunction by the US Food and Drug Administration on March 27, 1998, becoming the first oral treatment approved to treat erectile dysfunction in the United States, and offered for sale in the United States later that year. It soon became a great success: annual sales of Viagra in the period 1999–2001 exceeded $1 billion
The mechanism of action of Sildenafil citrate involves the release of nitric oxide (NO) in the corpus cavernosum of the penis which results in increased levels of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), leading to smooth muscle relaxation of the intimal cushions of the helicine arteries, resulting in increased inflow of blood and an erection.Robert F. Furchgott won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1998 for his discovery and analysis of endothelium-derived relaxing factor, a key part of the NO mechanism of action.
Sexual dysfunction
Pulmonary hypertension
Altitude sickness
Use in sports
In clinical trials, the most common adverse effects of sildenafil use included headache, flushing, dyspepsia, nasal congestion and impaired vision, including photophobia and blurred vision. Some sildenafil users have complained of seeing everything tinted blue (cyanopsia). Some complained of blurriness and loss of peripheral vision. In July 2005, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration found that sildenafil could lead to vision impairment in rare cases
Rare but serious adverse effects found through postmarketing surveillance include priapism, severe hypotension, myocardial infarction (heart attack), ventricular arrhythmias, stroke, increased intraocular pressure and sudden hearing loss. As a result of these postmarketing reports, in October 2007, the FDA announced that the labeling for all PDE5 inhibitors, including sildenafil, required a more prominent warning of the potential risk of sudden hearing loss.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

On the maternal side of her family, she is a niece of two child stars of the 1970s, Kim Richards and Kyle Richards. Hilton was related by marriage to Nicole Richie's godmother, Nancy Davis, when Nancy's brother, Greg, was married to Kim Richards.
Hilton moved between several exclusive homes in her youth, including a suite in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in Manhattan, Beverly Hills, and the Hamptons. As a child she was good friends with Nicole Richie and Kim Kardashian. She attended her freshman year of high school at the Marywood-Palm Valley School in Rancho Mirage, California followed by the Dwight School in New York for her sophomore and junior years. Famously she went to school here with Lady Gaga. She was then transferred to the Canterbury Boarding School, in New Milford, Connecticut where she was a member of the ice hockey team. However, in early 1999, she was expelled for violating the school rules.
Hilton began modeling as a child, initially at charity events. When she was 19, she signed with Donald Trump's modeling agency, Hilton has also worked with Ford Models in New York, Models 1 Agency in London, Nous Model Management in Los Angeles, and Premier Model Management in London. She has appeared in numerous advertising campaigns, including Iceberg Vodka, GUESS, Tommy Hilfiger, Christian Dior, and Marciano. In 2001, Hilton began to develop a reputation as a socialite, being identified as "New York's leading It Girl" whose fame was beginning to "extend beyond the New York tabloids".She has appeared in several magazines, including the April 2004 issue of Maxim
Paris Hilton has been quoted as saying that she is the "iconic blonde of the decade"' and compared herself to Princess Diana and Marilyn Monroe (a claim she denied in the May 2007 issue of Harper's Bazaar). She appeared in the 2007 Guinness World Records as the world's "Most Overrated Celebrity".In a poll conducted by the Associated Press and AOL, Hilton was voted the second "Worst Celebrity Role Model of 2006", behind Britney Spears Critics suggest that Hilton epitomizes the title of famous for being famous; echoing that sentiment, the Associated Press conducted what they called an experiment in February 2007, trying not to report on Hilton for a whole week.
Hilton recently posed nude, covered in gold paint, to promote "Rich Prosecco", a canned version of an Italian sparkling wine
Saturday, May 23, 2009

A scorpion packs its poison in a stinger at the tip of its tail. Most often it uses its poison to kill insects and other small prey. But it also stings to defend itself.
About 1500 species of scorpions live around the world. But fewer than 50 are dangerous to people. And just two of those species live in the United States - both in Arizona.The common yellow scorpion, lives in Northern Africa. No one knows how many people die from its sting, but it's one of the world's most deadly scorpions

There are about 37,000 species of spiders in the world, and only a few are dangerous to humas.
One of the most famous is the female black widow . The male also has a poisonous bite, but its too small to be dangerous.
Female black widows are dangerous for two reasons: Their poison is powerful, and they often live near people. Every year in the
Black widows can be found in every state except
Widows don't go cahsing after people, of course. But they will bite to protect themselves or their eggs. So always be careful where you put your bare hands!

One of the most deadly plants is poison hemlock , which grows throughout the world. It belongs to the carrot and celery family, but don't let that fool you. All parts of this plant carry a very powerful poison.
People have died by mistaking the leaves for parsley and the roots for carrots. Luckily, poison hemlock has a bitter taste and smells like cat pee, so few people ever eat it.
Some close relatives, called water hemlocks, can also be deadly. Eating just one piece of root could kill an adult. And some children have been poisoned by using the plant's hollow stems as pea-shooters.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

2. After these organs were taken out, they would cleanse the body in a special liquid to help preserve the skin. Then they would have to wait 40 days for the body to dry. Mummies were then stuffed with linen, along with sand and sawdust, to give them form. After this was done, they would start to wrap the body.
3. Even though the wrapping may seem the easiest, it wasn't. They would usually use linen or shrouds which are large sheets of material that were thrown over the body like a cape. The shroud had to be large enough to tie a knot behind the head and also under the feet. On one mummy, scientists counted 20 alternating layers of bandages of linen and shrouds! After the shroud was put on, they had to wrap every finger and toe separately. Then a strip of long linen that began at the right shoulder was crisscrossed over the head. The bandages were wrapped very tightly to keep the distinct figure of the mummy. Sometimes they would use protective amulets or the dead person's jewelry in between some of the layers. They also had to apply a sticky liquid called resin in between each layer to keep the bandages together and slowly stiffen the body. About 15 days were set aside for this wrapping and it was accompanied by lots of prayer and ritual.

How Egyptians managed the complex organization of labour and the physical movement of large stone blocks is still a matter of debate.Pyramid construction may have involved ramps being erected around the pyramid. Blocks of stone would have been pulled up on sledges and the ramps dismantled later. Its believed thet most of the labour for the construction of the pyramids would have come from farmers who were available during the inundation season when the Nile River flooded and farmland was underwater. It would also have been an ideal time for the transportation by boat of large stone blocks from their quarries to the pyramid sites.
When tomb robbers broke into a tomb, they would break the mummies into pieces so they could take the jewelry off their bodies. This happened alot until the late 1800s and early 1900s. Scientists finally talked the Egyptian government into making it against the law to steal from a tomb. But still today, people steal ancient artifacts around the world. This is too bad because when people do that, it destroys valuable information about ancient people.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
something thrilling for wine lovers......