Tuesday, May 19, 2009


There are about 110 pyramids currently known in Egypt, many in a state of great disrepair and almost unrecognizable. Some were built as burial places for kings and other for queens . A pyramid also may have represnted a stairway for the king to ascend to the heavens, another possibility is that it was symbolic of the primeval mound on which the sun god/creator was born.
How Egyptians managed the complex organization of labour and the physical movement of large stone blocks is still a matter of debate.Pyramid construction may have involved ramps being erected around the pyramid. Blocks of stone would have been pulled up on sledges and the ramps dismantled later. Its believed thet most of the labour for the construction of the pyramids would have come from farmers who were available during the inundation season when the Nile River flooded and farmland was underwater. It would also have been an ideal time for the transportation by boat of large stone blocks from their quarries to the pyramid sites.

The Egyptians would often place valuable things in their tomb to use in the after life or as offerings. So people would always try to break into tombs to steal these things. These kind of people are called "tomb robbers." Sometimes kings and queens had to be moved from their royal tombs and placed in regular tombs by faithful priests and servants to hide their valuables.
When tomb robbers broke into a tomb, they would break the mummies into pieces so they could take the jewelry off their bodies. This happened alot until the late 1800s and early 1900s. Scientists finally talked the Egyptian government into making it against the law to steal from a tomb. But still today, people steal ancient artifacts around the world. This is too bad because when people do that, it destroys valuable information about ancient people.

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