PH level- proper PH balance is needed by humans to keep them alive, functioning and fit for their life time. Exceedingly acidic bloodstream can result in fatness, various health issues and hair loss.The link is simple to understand:- our health is directly related to the fluids our body tissues and cells dip in. when the acidity level in these tissues and cells increases, cellular breakdown is a casual problem. The raised bar of acidic fluids thus leads to loss in hair.
Alopecia areata - this is the most common hair loss condition to affect women. It is characterized by patchy areas of hair loss on the head or it can be more widespread over the body. It is thought to be caused by deficiencies in the immune system but much is still not known about the condition. In many cases the hair regrows spontaneously after a variable period of time, but in a minority of cases the problem may be more severe and longstanding.
Diseases and illnesses-It is very common to have hair fall problem when you suffer from any kind of disease or illness. It doesn't matter whether the disease is a major one or it's a minor one, it is sure to impact your entire body including your hair. So there is no point in saying that if you are suffering from temperature or perhaps cold and it will not going to harm your body. Of course it will and it does. But when you recover, everything gets back to normal.
However in case of major diseases like heart attacks, accidents, brain injuries etc. where you need months for full recovery, you will keep on losing your hair until and unless you will recover completely.
You can get it from your parents-It is very common to get this particular disease from your parents. If there is someone in your family who is having this issue, there are chances that you might get it as well. In case, if it's common in your family, you are sure to have it one day or another. So what you can do if hair loss is in your family? Well you must take care of your hair right from the first day. You must give them a very special treatment. Whenever you feel that you are losing hair immediately consult a hair loss expert. Do not wait for things to get worse. Do not put yourself in trouble.
DHT-believe it or not, most women affected by hair loss lose it for the same reasons as men. They suffer from androgenetic alopecia which is a reaction to male hormones in the body, specifically the conversion of testosterone into the hair-unfriendly DHT. In the case of women, pattern baldness may start later and the effects may be less extreme due to the influence of female hormones, but the condition is nonetheless the same as that found in male pattern baldness.
Traction Alopecia-Traction Alopecia results in gradual temporary or permanent hair loss caused by frequent pulling or twisting of the hair follicle. The constant force of tugging being exerted on the hair and scalp occurs in hairstyles such as braiding and hair weaves resulting in damage to hair and hair follicle beds. Because of the popular trend in women to desire longer hairstyles traction alopecia is increasingly becoming a common cause of hair loss in women.
(1)When one talks about how to stop hair fall home remedies definitely include the aloe vera treatment as one of its most effective ones. Although there are many shampoos that contain aloe vera content nevertheless the idea of using fresh aloe is an absolute winner from the very beginning since it is not oxidized. It will be ideal if the person has access to an aloe vera plant. There is a method to extract the gel from the plant, which is discussed below.
Taking one whole aloe leaf from the plant, it is imperative that the outer leaf is taken and is removed as close to the trunk as possible. Next slit the leaf down the middle, which actually paves the path for the yellow latex to drain away. There are multiple benefits of the latex nevertheless it can be detrimental for irritated skin and can be a source of inflammation for some skin types. Once the gel is obtained, one can rinse the gel under cold water and make the most out of the aloe vera hair loss prevention.ALOEVERA FOR HAIR
- (2)Application of yucca for stopping hair loss. To satisfy the issue of how to stop hair fall home remedies have many modes of treatment, one of which involves the use of yucca. Taking a piece of yucca root and then peeling off the brown outer layer actually leads to the exposure of a fleshy white interior. It is recommended that the above-ground trunk of the plant is included in the obtained piece. Once the root is smashed into pieces, a chunk is taken and is washed with water, which will produce lather like a shampoo. Applying this lather to hair can be very effective in stopping hair loss.YUCCA ROOT FOR HAIR
- (3)Restore moisture through hot oil treatments. You can use any natural oil including safflower, canola or olive oil.Heat the oil up so that it is warm but not too hot. Then, massage the oil into your scalp .Put on a shower cap for about an hour. When the hour is up, rinse or shampoo out the oil. Mayonnaise also works well as a conditioner. Slather your hair with a generous dollop, put on a shower cap for up to an hour and then rinse it off. BEST OIL FOR HAIR
- (4)Rub green tea into your hair. The tea contains antioxidants, which may prevent hair loss and help hair growth. Brew 2 bags of green tea in 1 cup of water. Let the tea cool slightly and then apply it to your hair. Leave the tea on for 1 hour. Then, rinse your hair thoroughly.
- (5)Treat with saw palmetto. Native Americans use saw palmetto to promote healthy hair and skin. Saw palmetto also blocks the production of DHT (a metabolite of testosterone), a contributing factor to enlarging of the prostate. Because DHT production also causes hair loss, saw palmetto has been shown in some small studies to be effective for preventing hair loss in some men.SAW PALMETTO FOR HAIR
- (6)Take vitamins. Your mother told you they were good for you, but you may not know they're good for your hair too. Add some extra milligrams of these vitamins to your daily regimen: Vitamin A: Vitamin A is an anti-oxidant which promotes healthy production of sebum in the scalp.
Vitamin E: This vitamin stimulates circulation, and good blood circulation in the scalp is important in keeping your hair follicles productive.
Vitamin B: The B vitamins help your body produce melanin, which gives hair its healthy color. Melanin also stimulates blood circulation.MULTI VITAMINS
- (7)Use essential oils combined with scalp massage. Massage promotes good circulation in the scalp to keep your hair follicles active. Massage your scalp daily by hand for a couple of minutes. To enhance the massage, use a few drops of lavender or bay essential oil in an almond or sesame oil base on your scalp.SCALP MASSAGER

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A couple of years ago , the FDA became concerned about the safety of aloe latex, which was an ingredient in many laxatives. The FDA’s concern was heightened by the fact that people develop a kind of “tolerance” to aloe latex. They have to take more and more of it to get a laxative effect. That means they are likely to increase their dose -- and their risk. The FDA requested safety data from the makers of laxatives that contained aloe latex, but they didn’t comply, possibly because of the expense involved in doing safety studies. In the absence of safety data, the FDA required manufacturers to remove or reformulate all over-the-counter (OTC) laxative products in the U.S. market that contained aloe. The deadline for compliance was November 5, 2002.
Despite being one of the most useful plants in the world which treats many diseases there are some dangers of aloe vera juice you should know before taking this beverage. Here is the list of the contraindications for using this product.
1. Pregnancy. Doctors don’t recommend pregnant women taking any preparations with aloe on their own and do it only after the consultation with their physician. This fact can be explained with a high a pharmacological activity of the plant and a high amount of various substances whose effect has not been studied properly.
2. Any severe disease. You are forbidden to drink this beverage when your disease is in the period of aggravation.
3. When your general health condition is bad or you suffer from the combination of various diseases.
4. Chronic cardio-vascular diseases with the signs of decompensation.
5. Liver and kidney affections.
6. Your diagnosis is unclear.
7. A very bad allergic reaction of the organism.
8. Your organism is extremely exhausted after prolonged severe disease.
9. Uterine bleeding. This liquid has a property of increasing the blood circulation in the organism and may intensify blood flow to the pelvis.
Orally ingested aloe vera juice, caps, and other forms may have particular side effects, including the following:
Abdominal cramping
Blood electrolyte imbalances
Colorectal cancer
Decreased potassium blood levels
Diarrhea (due to laxative effect)
Lowered absorption of a variety of medications
Lowered blood glucose levels (blood sugar)
Muscle weakness and abnormal heart rhythms (from lowered levels of potassium)
Rash, such as or similar to hives and eczema
Worse constipation or dependency after use for 7+ days as a laxative
If you want to start using aloe vera juice by yourself you should remember about the following precautionary measures.
1. You should follow the dosage pointed in the recipe. It’s no use exceeding it trying to get fast results.
2. It’s better to start treatment with aloe on the early stage of a disease when the organism doesn’t suffer from severe affections.
3. All the products made from this plant contain biologically active components getting into interaction with the human body. They include first of all the vitamins which activate metabolic processes. However, vitamin A, O, E, K (fat-soluble vitamins) tend to accumulate in the body which can cause hypervitaminosis.
4. Vitamins C, P, PP and B-group are considered water soluble. They never cumulate in the body. However, any excess of vitamins can cause various adverse reactions: allergy, violation of metabolic processes, kidney dysfunction, irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastro-intestinal tract. Therefore it is necessary to follow the dosage. In case you use aloe vera juice with any other multivitamin preparations, you need control the amount of the vitamins you consume (preferably with the help of your doctor).
5. You should avoid prolonged and uncontrolled usage of this product.
6. If you suffer from any chronic diseases or you have ever experienced any allergic reactions, in order to avoid undesirable effect consult with your doctor about the expediency of aloe vera juice drinking.
7. If you want to avoid irritation of mucous membrane of the stomach, aloe juice or gel should be taken during meals with plenty of water. In case you forget to take your portion in time, never double the next one.
8. It’s always better to take aloe juice only in the diluted form. Its ratio with boiled water equals 1:1.
9. The juice should be kept out of reach of children. Thus, aloe is proved to be a highly effective natural remedy, which succeeds in treatment of various diseases. But you’d better never forget about contraindications and precautions, especially if you are going to use this remedy on your own.

Feng shui has been used by the Chinese people for over hundreds of years. They believe it will bring good luck to their business, at home or in whatever they do. For them, it's already a part of their lifestyle. Whenever you go to a Chinese home, you will notice that it's being used. Nowadays, even other people of different races are also using feng shui. They have adopted it as their own personal belief and into their own lifestyles. It's even being used in modern buildings and houses with the intention of inviting an abundance of wealth, love, health and peace.
Since it's widely used, one cannot just ignore its importance. Feng shui paraphernalia also serve as nice additions to any home or office design. There are different kinds of these feng shui effects with many of them using animal symbolism. People use birds a lot because they are colorful and inspire nice thoughts and inspiration and promote freedom.
Do symbols help to keep you focussed on your desires? Yes, they undoubtedly do. They act as a visual affirmation to pull your intentions into a certain direction.
Feng shui has been somewhat reinvented by new age entrepreneurs since Richard Nixon's trip to China in 1972. Its popularity has risen from the American's desire for magic and mystery as well as order in their lives. Feng shui design has become a popular trend for interior design in residences as well as in corporate settings.
In English Feng shui means wind and water. "Chi rides the wind (feng) and is scattered, but it is retained when encountering water (shui)." These two elements symbolize harmony according to Chinese beliefs. But what is the modern perception of feng shui? Many people have begun to learn the principles of feng shui because of its exoticism. Some have used it to redecorate their homes and offices in an effort to bring balance and attract abundance in their lives while living and working in these places. But is that all there is to feng shui? Is there more to learn and understand about how this ancient art can affect your entire life?
Deeply rooted in Taoist symbolism, feng shui is the understanding of the laws of nature and the knowledge that the earth and humans exist together as one. The contrast theories of yin-yang and that of the five elements complete the vision of life in harmony or disharmony with the environment around us. From the feng shui perspective, the basic analysis of a place will involve the identification of the elements that break the chi or flow of energy. Items are rearranged or moved to the background so as to promote balance. It is believed that you can accomplish this balance and a compatibility with nature by a careful and correct placement of the furniture and objects in the house and office.
Have you ever heard about bad feng shui.We can start with "bad land" if the soil is so depleted that nothing grows easily in it. People also encounters problems when the land they have built on harbors ghosts from civilizations in the past using the same space or proximity to burial grounds. The land might also be unstable with severe inclines or a lot might be an irregular shape. For example, parcels which deviate severely from a square or rectangular shape can cause the flow of air currents to be chaotic around the property and then result in misfortune for the occupants. Lots which narrow in the back can make it harder for occupants to save their money. Strange, but true.
We can talk about other exterior influences such as ugly, jagged mountains or ones which are just rock and sand with no ability to sustain plant or animal life. Stagnant, dirty water is worse than no water at all. Ideally, exterior water found in ponds, streams, lakes and rivers should be relatively clean and circulating. Even water which moves too rapidly can make an unpleasant sound. A common complaint amongst people trying to practice principles of good Feng Shui is that they don't like the sound of their water fountain when it is too loud. Trees and plants which are in the throes of dying will also drag down the energy of anyone living nearby.
Within the realm of Yin-Yang Theory, we can look at just about all opposites and extremes under this umbrella of yin and yang to discover more examples of bad Feng Shui. Environments that are too yin like chronic darkness, dampness, and solitude will unravel an otherwise good space. Environments that are too yang, such as too hot, bright, dry or noisy will also undermine an otherwise good environment.
Feng shui cures or enhancers are used to either suppress bad chi or encourage good chi to visit. In the Flying Star school, the items need to be moved on a yearly and monthly basis, to accomplish the necessary changes appropriately. The yearly problems should always be addressed first, and then 'small tai chi' is used to take care of the monthly afflictions.
One thing that is seldom addressed with the items is that of chipped or broken objects. First of all, it is considered bad chi to keep any items that are damaged. The standard example involves clothing: if your clothes have holes in them and closures no longer work, you would get rid of them. The same principle applies to damaged feng shui items. Most important are those cures that are protective.
For things like the 5-element pagoda, ringing bell, crystals and celestial deity statues, a chip or broken limb is thought to be an indication that you have been protected by that object. In essence, it has 'taken a hit for you' and saved you from some catastrophe. While those who don't understand this may scoff, those of us who have suffered immensely by being hit with the bad chi of the unlucky stars make sure we are adequately protected.
Harmonizing the energy in our home is one of the foundation stones of Feng Shui and one of the very first steps we should take when practising Feng Shui. Get this right and every other step starts to fall in to place easily and quickly. Although energy harmonization is a simple concept, it can catch us out if we are not careful and we often make it more difficult than it needs to be. In this article I share some practical advice on how we can all balance the energy in our homes.
Energy harmonization occurs when we have the five elements of the universe working together creatively in our home. The five elements; wood, fire, earth, metal, and water work together and balance each other in the natural world, and this natural flow of energy, clearly demonstrated by the natural flow of the seasons across and through the earth should be replicated in our own homes. If we have harmonized and balanced the energy in our homes so that it flows naturally and easily then life becomes easier and seems to flow effortlessly. If one of these elements is missing in our home, or in a particular room of our house, then we may find that the energy does not flow as well in this area leading to challenges or difficulties in certain areas of our life. If this is the case we need to take action to ensure that the element that is missing is brought in to our home if we are to bring about natural balance.
THE Old Testament is a collection of selected writings composed and edited by members of the Hebrew-Jewish community between the twelfth century B.C. and the beginning of the Christian era. It includes such diverse materials as prophetic oracles, teachings of wise men, instructions of priests and ancient records of the royal courts. Some material is historical, some is legendary; some is legalistic, some is didactic. For the most part the literature was written in Hebrew, but a few passages were written in Aramaic, a kindred language which came into common usage among the Jews during the post-Exilic era (after the sixth century B.C.). The Aramaic portions include Dan. 2:4b-7:28; Ezra 4:8-6:18, 7:12-26; Jer. 10:11; and one phrase in Gen. 31:47 "Jegar-sahadutha," translated "Heap of Witness."
The term "Old Testament" or more properly "Old Covenant," is a Christian designation, reflecting the belief of the early Christian Church that the "new covenant" mentioned in Jer. 31:31-34 was fulfilled in Jesus and that the Christian scriptures set forth the "new covenant," just as the Jewish scriptures set forth the "old covenant" (II Cor. 3:6-18; Heb. 9:1-4). Jewish scholars prefer the term "Tanak," a word formed by combining the initial letters of the three divisions of the Hebrew Bible: Torah (Law), Nebhiim (Prophets), and Kethubhim (Writings).
The Old Testament is a collection of thirty-nine books about the history and religion of the people of Israel. The authors of these books are unknown, and each book possesses a unique tone, style, and message. Individually, they include stories, laws, and sayings that are intended to function as models of religious and ethical conduct. Together—through hundreds of characters and detailed events—they represent a unified narrative about God and his attempt to relate to humankind by relating to a specific group of people.
The Old Testament contains four main sections: the Pentateuch, the Former Prophets (or Historical Books), the Writings, and the Latter Prophets.
The Old Testament lays the foundation for the teachings and events found in the New Testament. The Bible is a progressive revelation. If you skip the first half of any good book and try to finish it, you will have a hard time understanding the characters, the plot, and the ending. In the same way, the New Testament is only completely understood when it is seen as a fulfillment of the events, characters, laws, sacrificial system, covenants, and promises of the Old Testament.
Without the Old Testament, we would not understand the Jewish customs that are mentioned in passing in the New Testament. We would not understand the perversions that the Pharisees had made to God's law as they added their traditions to it. We would not understand why Jesus was so upset as He cleansed the temple courtyard. We would not understand that we can make use of the same wisdom that Christ used in His many replies to His adversaries.
THE NEW Testament contains an extraordinarily large number of Old Testament quotations. It is difficult to give an accurate figure since the variation in use ranges all the way from a distant allusion to a definite quotation introduced by an explicit formula stating the citation’s source. As a result, the figures given by various authors often reflect a startling discrepancy.
The New Testament writers used quotations in their sermons, in their histories, in their letters, in their prayers. They used them when addressing Jews or Gentiles, churches or individuals, friends or antagonists, new converts or seasoned Christians. They used them for argumentation, for illustration, for instruction, for documentation, for prophecy, for reproof. They used them in times of stress and in hours of mature thinking, in liberty and in prison, at home and abroad. Everywhere and always they were ready to refer to the impregnable authority of Scripture.
“Thou Shall Not Ignore the Old Testament!”
1) “For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:18-19 RSV) Clearly the Old Testament is to be abided by until the end of human existence itself. None other then Jesus said so.
2) All of the vicious Old Testament laws will be binding forever. "It is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away than for the smallest part of the letter of the law to become invalid." (Luke 16:17 NAB)
3) Jesus strongly approves of the law and the prophets. He hasn’t the slightest objection to the cruelties of the Old Testament. "Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place." (Matthew 5:17 NAB)
3b) "All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness..." (2 Timothy 3:16 NAB)
3c) "Know this first of all, that there is no prophecy of scripture that is a matter of personal interpretation, for no prophecy ever came through human will; but rather human beings moved by the holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God." (2 Peter 20-21 NAB)
4) Jesus criticizes the Jews for not killing their disobedient children according to Old Testament law. Mark.7:9-13 "Whoever curses father or mother shall die" (Mark 7:10 NAB)
5) Jesus is criticized by the Pharisees for not washing his hands before eating. He defends himself by attacking them for not killing disobedient children according to the commandment: “He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.” (Matthew 15:4-7)
6) Jesus has a punishment even worse than his father concerning adultery: God said the act of adultery was punishable by death. Jesus says looking with lust is the same thing and you should gouge your eye out, better a part, than the whole. The punishment under Jesus is an eternity in Hell. (Matthew 5:27)
7) Peter says that all slaves should “be subject to [their] masters with all fear,” to the bad and cruel as well as the “good and gentle.” This is merely an echo of the same slavery commands in the Old Testament. 1 Peter 2:18
8) “Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law" (John7:19) and “For the law was given by Moses,..." (John 1:17).
9) “...the scripture cannot be broken.” --Jesus Christ, John 10:35