Feng shui has been used by the Chinese people for over hundreds of years. They believe it will bring good luck to their business, at home or in whatever they do. For them, it's already a part of their lifestyle. Whenever you go to a Chinese home, you will notice that it's being used. Nowadays, even other people of different races are also using feng shui. They have adopted it as their own personal belief and into their own lifestyles. It's even being used in modern buildings and houses with the intention of inviting an abundance of wealth, love, health and peace.
Since it's widely used, one cannot just ignore its importance. Feng shui paraphernalia also serve as nice additions to any home or office design. There are different kinds of these feng shui effects with many of them using animal symbolism. People use birds a lot because they are colorful and inspire nice thoughts and inspiration and promote freedom.
Do symbols help to keep you focussed on your desires? Yes, they undoubtedly do. They act as a visual affirmation to pull your intentions into a certain direction.
Feng shui has been somewhat reinvented by new age entrepreneurs since Richard Nixon's trip to China in 1972. Its popularity has risen from the American's desire for magic and mystery as well as order in their lives. Feng shui design has become a popular trend for interior design in residences as well as in corporate settings.
In English Feng shui means wind and water. "Chi rides the wind (feng) and is scattered, but it is retained when encountering water (shui)." These two elements symbolize harmony according to Chinese beliefs. But what is the modern perception of feng shui? Many people have begun to learn the principles of feng shui because of its exoticism. Some have used it to redecorate their homes and offices in an effort to bring balance and attract abundance in their lives while living and working in these places. But is that all there is to feng shui? Is there more to learn and understand about how this ancient art can affect your entire life?
Deeply rooted in Taoist symbolism, feng shui is the understanding of the laws of nature and the knowledge that the earth and humans exist together as one. The contrast theories of yin-yang and that of the five elements complete the vision of life in harmony or disharmony with the environment around us. From the feng shui perspective, the basic analysis of a place will involve the identification of the elements that break the chi or flow of energy. Items are rearranged or moved to the background so as to promote balance. It is believed that you can accomplish this balance and a compatibility with nature by a careful and correct placement of the furniture and objects in the house and office.
Have you ever heard about bad feng shui.We can start with "bad land" if the soil is so depleted that nothing grows easily in it. People also encounters problems when the land they have built on harbors ghosts from civilizations in the past using the same space or proximity to burial grounds. The land might also be unstable with severe inclines or a lot might be an irregular shape. For example, parcels which deviate severely from a square or rectangular shape can cause the flow of air currents to be chaotic around the property and then result in misfortune for the occupants. Lots which narrow in the back can make it harder for occupants to save their money. Strange, but true.
We can talk about other exterior influences such as ugly, jagged mountains or ones which are just rock and sand with no ability to sustain plant or animal life. Stagnant, dirty water is worse than no water at all. Ideally, exterior water found in ponds, streams, lakes and rivers should be relatively clean and circulating. Even water which moves too rapidly can make an unpleasant sound. A common complaint amongst people trying to practice principles of good Feng Shui is that they don't like the sound of their water fountain when it is too loud. Trees and plants which are in the throes of dying will also drag down the energy of anyone living nearby.
Within the realm of Yin-Yang Theory, we can look at just about all opposites and extremes under this umbrella of yin and yang to discover more examples of bad Feng Shui. Environments that are too yin like chronic darkness, dampness, and solitude will unravel an otherwise good space. Environments that are too yang, such as too hot, bright, dry or noisy will also undermine an otherwise good environment.
Feng shui cures or enhancers are used to either suppress bad chi or encourage good chi to visit. In the Flying Star school, the items need to be moved on a yearly and monthly basis, to accomplish the necessary changes appropriately. The yearly problems should always be addressed first, and then 'small tai chi' is used to take care of the monthly afflictions.
One thing that is seldom addressed with the items is that of chipped or broken objects. First of all, it is considered bad chi to keep any items that are damaged. The standard example involves clothing: if your clothes have holes in them and closures no longer work, you would get rid of them. The same principle applies to damaged feng shui items. Most important are those cures that are protective.
For things like the 5-element pagoda, ringing bell, crystals and celestial deity statues, a chip or broken limb is thought to be an indication that you have been protected by that object. In essence, it has 'taken a hit for you' and saved you from some catastrophe. While those who don't understand this may scoff, those of us who have suffered immensely by being hit with the bad chi of the unlucky stars make sure we are adequately protected.
Harmonizing the energy in our home is one of the foundation stones of Feng Shui and one of the very first steps we should take when practising Feng Shui. Get this right and every other step starts to fall in to place easily and quickly. Although energy harmonization is a simple concept, it can catch us out if we are not careful and we often make it more difficult than it needs to be. In this article I share some practical advice on how we can all balance the energy in our homes.
Energy harmonization occurs when we have the five elements of the universe working together creatively in our home. The five elements; wood, fire, earth, metal, and water work together and balance each other in the natural world, and this natural flow of energy, clearly demonstrated by the natural flow of the seasons across and through the earth should be replicated in our own homes. If we have harmonized and balanced the energy in our homes so that it flows naturally and easily then life becomes easier and seems to flow effortlessly. If one of these elements is missing in our home, or in a particular room of our house, then we may find that the energy does not flow as well in this area leading to challenges or difficulties in certain areas of our life. If this is the case we need to take action to ensure that the element that is missing is brought in to our home if we are to bring about natural balance.
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